Big Dave’s Banana Buddies

How you to can become a Big Dave Banana Buddy – Click Here To Join

Congratulations on wanting to join our team. I will share with you my many years of experience not only as a world breaking record strength athlete, but also as a National Community Champion. Putting the core values and the word Respect at the heart of the Big Dave’s Banana Buddies. By becoming one of my buddies comes with it much responsibility and acceptance of our code of honour. Because it is all about how we can all come together and harness the incredible power that we all have inside us. Turning that power into a force of good and inspiration for our friends, neighbours and the community especially in the challenging times we are all encountering right now.
Are you ready to be a Big Dave Banana Buddy?
The Big Dave Banana Buddies Honour Code:
We all need to be caring and cared for, to look after one another and the needs of others and to reject totally the quite unacceptable association of negative behaviours and to do our best in life and what is honourable and acceptable for ourselves and the community we live in.
How you to can become a Big Dave Banana Buddy – Click Here To Join
By becoming one of my buddies this has opened up so many doors and channels to helping you to develop and gain self confidence, self improvement and support you with better health choices. The SLAMH (Start Low Aim High) exercise programme, combined with healthy eating and nutritional advice is there not only to help improve your own lifestyle but also your community. So if you think you are ready to accept responsibility and our code of honour then click on the link shown above and we will be glad to ‘Welcome’ you into the Big Dave’s Banana Buddies.