SLAMH Turnaround Program

Turnaround From Drugs and Alcohol:
Turnaround From Criminal Pathways and Influences:
The Start Looking At Myself Honestly Program is designed to be delivered to young adults and those that are older and have started out on a criminal pathway. Some individuals may have committed many offences on the lead up and it is important that these people are helped to turnaround their life before they end up behind bars or indeed on a mortuary slab. Currently around 19 offences have been committed before the individual ends up with a prison sentence. So there are many early signs where intervention can make a difference to an individual life and improve our society for us all.
Our mission is to prevent them from ending up on this pathway, initially through our SLAMH Turnaway Early Intervention Program which focuses on school and youth awareness campaigns and programs. But for those who slip through the net or are determined or indeed have been steered through peer pressure down this criminal path we aim to prevent further criminal activity or at the very least delay the individual from committing further offences, improving their likelihood on not ending up in the prison and being able to turn their life around.
Our Program covers many areas including fitness and nutrition, a sense of self worth, mental health resilience, impact on society and how to turn away from negative pathways and support around this.