
Hear more about the 7 Pillars of Strength – See Video Here For Details
Building safe positive relationships.
The Pillars of Strength.
The idea is to develop, introduce and deliver a socially engaging character for younger audiences and primary schools.
To promote and engage with children- teachers – parents and organisations/ partners who we will work alongside with.
This project and programme of work is innovative, engaging, educational way to deliver and deal with subjects such as bullying, knife crime, anti social behaviour, grooming , gangs, county lines, and other conflicts and issues ie mindfulness that can and do arise on a daily basis.
The idea is that Big Dave becomes a cartoon character as well as himself, and are thought of as one. As both characters are a force of good and are inspirational as social champions helping young people with positive pathways and helping them to become role models for their peers.
To be able to draw on information from a new , unique bespoke website (big Dave’s safe station) www.bigdave.online.
This will be delivered as an informative educational, learning platform with the purpose that big Dave becomes every child’s friend.
In a world where we are taught to strive for me and are presented with negative messages and pathways especially around social media outlets , children can have great wants and needs.
To be taught what they have and to be grateful for they receive is a really powerful message .
To quell that negative voice and bring positivity to their beliefs and innermost thoughts.
My award winning work is to assist schools to help deliver on PHSE lessons around the school curriculum, on subjects such as building safe , positive relationships and bringing communities together. Health and well being , mindfulness with respect as its engine , confidence and inner strength will help deliver this early intervention programme to Five plus year olds as big Dave’s buddies.
With an opportunity to earn a community awareness qualification in citizenship.
Aligned with the school curriculum PHSE study insuring to help children develop the knowledge and understanding and social skills on various issues they may encounter now and in the future.
Together we are stronger …..
To feed and nurture these exciting concepts this programme has to be truly ambitious having innovation and enterprise at its heart that drives this project forward putting young people first , working together as teams , partners and most importantly as friends.
The programme offers the opportunity to :
1. Reduce youth crime , bullying , negative pathways
2. Engage young people to become positively involved in PHSE and citizenship
3. Big Dave’s buddies to become role models for their peers
4. To enable local companies and organisations to become involved through their c.s.r (corporate, social responsibility) programmes to help regenerate the area .
5. Enable the police and statuary providers build trust and confidence with disadvantaged communities
6. Through the website , (big Dave’s safe station) a platform to share experiences with other buddies and learn from their experience.
How we will achieve goals.
1. What is achieved is measurable and can be tracked through evaluations we will put in place .
2. It will be beneficial on making young people more aware of how different things and issues impact on their lives
3. It supports rather than replaces , all the good, positive work that schools do
4. The teaching profession has a lot on its plate already and have welcomed this external help to achieve the best for their students with help and support and a different approach
5. Big Dave’s buddies to become role models for their peers throughout their time as a school pupil
6. Through big Dave’s safe station learning platform to share experiences with other buddies and schools and learn from each other and exchange ideas
7. To have young people as stakeholders putting young people first , working together as teams , partners and friends.